Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Mother's day weekend was the best yet. The weekend started Saturday morning with Scott and the girls doing a family spring cleaning. We washed all the windows in the house. Did ALL the laundry together as a group effort. We did so much laundry that we felt like all the closets just were too small. Not often are all the clothes we own in them clean. We finished the morning with a lunch at Whistle stop with Jim and Lois. Saturday night we spent the evening together doing nothing. It was a wonderful thing.

Sunday Mother's day started a little differently. In the morning I was surprised with a porch swing and a sick child. Nicole and I spent Sunday morning at the urgent care center getting a strep test done. Unfortunately it was positive. Before you feel bad for me having a sick kid on Mother's day let me tell you what I think. Never do I wish for a sick child but when they are sick you really feel important. They need you so much for comfort. I felt like a "mom" being up all night helping her and comforting her. You need to understand that a eight and ten year old who do so much for themselves all the time and sleep all night, you might forget how important to them you actually are. Nicole is thankfully feeling better and I am so glad to have her smiling again. It really was a wonderful mother's day. Katelyn drew a "book card" for me as seen above. Nicole made me the pop up card. I love my Family!


  1. I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! So original! GREAT ARTWORK!!!!!!!

  2. I love the book! You have a creative girl there, for sure! Sounds like a great weekend... I hope Nicole feels better soon! Happy Mother's Day!
