My children- I believe they are a gift from God. I am sometimes overwhelmed with the responsibility that God has placed on me to raise them. I question myself many times in a day. At the end of the day, in the peaceful quietness of the house after they are asleep, I know that God gave me my children because he trusts me with something so precious. He believes in me.
My husband- I believe that God planned each step of our relationship. I met Scott for the first time in 8th grade. We went to school together in the same class for 3 years rarely speaking to each other. Then something special happened in our Junior year. I noticed this great guy in our class that was so sweet to me. He spoke with respect to me. He treated me with respect. He was really cute. He was just perfect for me and I think he kinda liked me. I did not see how God was working in my life then, but I know now that Scott was exactly what I needed and he had planned for me. I believe in God being in control.
My God- I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that he was born a baby from the virgin Mary. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins. I believe that He will return again. I did not deserve the forgiveness that was given to me. I believe in God.
There are so many things that we believe in but the above items are most important to me at this moment. This past year was a challenging one for me. I feel like I have had to do some soul searching in many areas. I know that God will bring me through all my troubles. He promises good things to those who love him. I hope my life is a reflection of how much I love God.
Merry Christmas!
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