Friday, January 29, 2010

Our ski vacation 2010 Lake Tahoe

This vacation was so long over due it was not even funny. Jan 17th 2010 just could not come fast enough. The weather leading up to our trip was awful in Franklin. It snowed and was terribly cold. Unfortunately the weather did not improve much when we went to Lake Tahoe, CA. We had 3' of snow in 4 days which is not a bad thing sking. But the winds that came with the snow were the problem. But who cares we are on VACATION with the Murphys! Some highlights of our trip are re caped in the photos below.

Something just was not right when we got back to Atlanta Marriott...


  1. how fun! Glad you and Scott got to get away. p.s. did someone STEAL YOUR TIRE?

  2. We thought the tires were stolen when we arrived but ended up Marriott noticed that all the lug nuts were gone and most likely they ( the bad guys) were coming back to finish the job. So the vallet guys jacked up the car and took them off and stored them till we arrived. Still had to purchase 22 lug nuts and 2 rim covers. Not as bad as first thought. It is the Murphy's vehical. Thankfully they arrived a day after Scott and I came home. They never had to deal with it. We can home early for Dave the horn guy :) Funny how things work like that.

  3. oh my gosh! So glad they were taking care of it!
